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2,905 SQ FT–6,183 SQ FT

Legal & General

Capsule Managed

Our professional Managed Services package is available as an optional extra to Legal & General customers who wish to outsource the hassle of running their own office.

The core offer includes a range of operational and technical services, fibre connectivity and health and safety initiatives, with the opportunity to bolt on bespoke services where available.

Health and safety compliance 
Cleaning services and waste management 
Technical maintenance 
WiFi and fibre connection provided by Backbone Connect 
Daily operational management 
Wellbeing features including sensory networks monitoring internal air quality 
Option for additional bespoke services 

VIzta Neighbourhood

Capsule Managed

Vizta Neighbourhood is your workplace app, giving you exclusive benefits of being a part of the L&G community. It connects you to local events, social groups, and amenity, helping you engage with your community in new ways. Vizta Neighbourhood makes your workday easier and more connected.

Effortless Visitor & Deliveries Access

Say goodbye to stair climbs – welcome guests and receive deliveries with ease.

Activate Your Community

Easily discover what’s happening around you. Join social groups, positive impact projects, and local events.

Love Your Neighbourhood

Enjoy local discounts and book office spaces or meeting rooms nearby that fit your needs.

Elevate Social Impact

Looking to have a positive influence? Participate in social activities, volunteer days and impactful social projects.
Download on the
App Store & Google Play

Contact us

Tor Cuming
07714 089 823
Robbie Rowan
07973 267 435
George Knowles
07565 502 931
Jules Hind
07976 839 011
Mark Anstey
07841 684 901
Tom Kaminaris
07701 287 093

Refurbished and managed by

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